Faith Scholarship


Sunday worship service - 8AM

If you're wondering how to apply for the $1000 award, here is the process in 3 steps.

Step 1: Confirm you meet the eligibility requirements listed on the scholarship handout. If so, gather your transcript, acceptance letter or proof of enrollment, and two recommendation letters. Scan, screenshot, or camera capture and save them for uploading later. 

Step 2: Record a 2-3 minute video with your name, address, phone number, current and Fall 2022 institution, and answer one of the four questions as outlined on the scholarship handout. The hard part is over. You're almost finished.

Step 3: Upload your video, a headshot, and the documents you saved from step 2 to Greater Faith's Facebook Messenger or Instagram Direct Message. Facebook is @greaterfaithoutreachministry. Instagram is @greaterfaithoutreach.

Remember to upload by the May 27 deadline.